Source code for webb_scraping.calculations

import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
from math import sqrt

from astropy.modeling.physical_models import BlackBody
from astropy import units as u

[docs]def kepler_a(m1, m2, P): """Computes semimajor axis with Kepler's Third Law.. Inputs: :m1: (float) mass of first body (kg) :m2: (float) mass of second body (kg) :P: (float) orbital period (s) Outputs: :a: (float) semimajor axis of the orbit (m) """ G = 6.67e-11 a = pow(P**2 * G * (m1 + m2) / (4*np.pi**2), 1/3) return a
[docs]def blackbody(wav, T): """ Computes the blackbody curve at a given wavelength. Inputs: :wav: (float) wavelength of interest (m) :T: (float) temperature of body in question Outputs: :intensity: (float) value of blackbody curve. """ h = 6.626e-34 c = 3.0e+8 k = 1.38e-23 a = 2.0*h*c**2 b = h*c/(wav*k*T) intensity = a/ ( (wav**5) * (np.exp(b) - 1.0) ) return intensity
[docs]def ESM(planet_properties, verbose=False): """ Takes in planet properties, computes ESM (Kempton+ 18) for it. Need to double-check units? Inputs: :planet_properties: (dict) contains planet orbital_distance (in AU), stellar radius (solar radii), stellar effective temperature (K), planet mass (Jupiter masses), orbital period (days), stellar K band magnitude (mag), and planet-star radius ratio. :verbose: (bool) False. Dtermines whettehr properties are printed after computaiton. Outputs: :ESM: (float) SNR proxy for emission spectroscopy introduced by Kempton+ 18. """ a = planet_properties['orbital_distance'] # in AU a *= 215.032 # in solar radii rstar = planet_properties['Rs'] # check that units are Rsun Tstar = planet_properties['Teff'] # in kelvin if np.isnan(a): # use kepler's third law! mstar = planet_properties['Ms'] # in solar masses mstar *= 1.989e30 # in kg M_kg = planet_properties['Mp'] # in jupiter masses M_kg *= 5.972e24 # in kg P = planet_properties['orbital_period'] # in days P *= 86400 # in seconds from days a = kepler_a(mstar, M_kg, P) a /= 696.34e6 # back to solar radii mk = planet_properties['Kmag'] # K band Teq = Tstar * sqrt(rstar/a) * pow(1/4, 1/4) Tday = 1.1 * Teq rp_rstar = planet_properties['Rp/Rs'] rp = rp_rstar * rstar # in solar radii if rp > 10 * 0.0091577: # if the planet is greater than 10 Earth radii return np.nan c = 299792458 # m / s wavelength = 7.5e-6 # in meters freq_test = c/wavelength # in Hertz bb_star = blackbody(7.5e-6, Tstar) bb_planet = blackbody(7.5e-6, Tday) ESM = 4.29e6 * (bb_planet / bb_star) * pow(rp_rstar, 2) * pow(10, -mk/5) return ESM
[docs]def TSM(planet_properties, verbose=False): """ Takes in row of dataframe, computes TSM (Kempton+18) for it. Inputs: :planet_properties: (dict) contains planet orbital_distance (in AU), stellar radius (solar radii), stellar effective temperature (K), planet mass (Jupiter masses), stellar mass (solar masses), orbital period (days), stellar J band magnitude (mag), and planet-star radius ratio. :verbose: (bool) False. Dtermines whettehr properties are printed after computaiton. Outputs: :ESM: (float) SNR proxy for emission spectroscopy introduced by Kempton+ 18. """ # turn semimajor axis from AU to solar radii for exoplanet archive a = planet_properties['orbital_distance'] # in AU a *= 215.032 # in solar radii mj = planet_properties['Jmag'] # j band M = planet_properties['Mp'] # jupiter masses M *= 317.8 # Earth masses rstar = planet_properties['Rs'] # in solar radii Tstar = planet_properties['Teff'] # in kelvin Teq = Tstar * sqrt(rstar/a) * pow(1/4, 1/4) rp_rstar = planet_properties['Rp/Rs'] rp = rp_rstar * rstar # in solar radii rp /= 0.0091577 # now in earth radii if np.isnan(M): # if no mass, use chen and kipping relation if rp < 1.23: M = 0.9718 * pow(rp, 3.58) else: M = 1.436 * pow(rp, 1.7) if np.isnan(a): # use kepler's third law! mstar = planet_properties['st_mass'] * 1.989e30 # in kg M_kg = 5.972e24 # in kg P = planet_properties['pl_orbper'] * 86400 # in seconds from days a = kepler_a(mstar, M_kg, P) a /= 696.34e6 # back to solar radii if np.isnan(Teq): Teq = Tstar * sqrt(rstar/a) * pow(1/4, 1/4) if rp < 1.5: scale_factor = .19 elif rp < 2.75: scale_factor = 1.26 elif rp < 4: scale_factor = 1.28 elif rp < 10: scale_factor = 1.15 else: return np.nan if verbose: print(f'scale factor: {scale_factor}. Rp: {rp}. Teq: {Teq}. \ M: {M}. Rstar: {rstar}. mj: {mj}. Tstar: {Tstar}. a: {a}') TSM = scale_factor * rp**3 * Teq / (M * rstar **2 ) * pow(10, -mj/5) return TSM