from webb_scraping import target

Is my target observable?

Let’s say, once more, that we’re interested in observing TRAPPIST-1 with JWST. To set up the answer to this proble, we again call target.Target on our target name. This instantiates a Target object, allowing us to perform scrapes relevant to our target of interest.

test = target.Target("TRAPPIST-1")

We’ll first need to aggregate the relevant data, so we can use the test.scrape_all function.

Scraping arXiv: 100%|██████████| 10/10 [00:06<00:00,  1.64it/s]

Next, we can calculate the TSM and ESM, two proxies of SNR introduced in Kempton+ 18, to determine how observable our target is.

test.TSM, test.ESM
(41.288771043260134, 3.915150286416691)
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