from webb_scraping import target

What’s in the literature about my target?

Let’s say, once more, that we’re interested in observing TRAPPIST-1 with JWST. To set up the answer to this proble, we again call target.Target on our target name. This instantiates a Target object, allowing us to perform scrapes relevant to our target of interest.

test = target.Target("TRAPPIST-1")

Given we’ll be scraping a number of different sources, we can use the test.scrape_all function.

Scraping arXiv: 100%|██████████| 10/10 [00:05<00:00,  1.87it/s]

Let’s see if there are any asssociated HST or JWST proposals.

test.webb_approved, test.hst_approved
(True, True)
{'Two Birds One Stone: Simultaneous Atmospheric Pre-Screening of Two Temperate Earth-Sized Exoplanets During Their Double Transit': 'mast:HST/product/id4301r4q_drz.fits',
 'Collecting the Puzzle Pieces: Completing HSTs UV+NIR Survey of the TRAPPIST-1 System ahead of JWST': masked,
 'A search for low-mass companions to ultracool dwarfs': 'mast:HST/product/u64tb803r_c0f.fits',
 'Exploratory observations of the TRAPPIST-1 system: essential prelude to an immediate JWST follow-up': 'mast:HST/product/idded1p9q_drz.fits',
 'The Mega-MUSCLES Treasury Survey: Measurements of the Ultraviolet Spectral Characteristics of Low-mass Exoplanetary Systems': 'mast:HST/product/ldlmz6010_x1dsum.fits',
 'UV exploration of two Earth-sized planets with temperate atmospheres': masked,
 'Confirming the Presence of an Hydrogen Exosphere around the Earth-sized Temperate Planet TRAPPIST-1c': masked,
 'UV irradiation of the Earth-sized planets orbiting TRAPPIST-1': masked}

We can also examine what aliases exist for this target.

['EPIC 246199087',
 '2MUCD 12171',
 '2MASS J23062928-0502285',
 '2MASSI J2306292-050227',
 '2MASSW J2306292-050227',
 'Gaia DR2 2635476908753563008',
 'WISEA J230630.02-050234.1',
 'EPIC 200164267']

To see what arXiv articles reference our target (or its aliases), we can use test.arxiv_links.

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